Filling machine

22 Nov 2011

FABRIENVAF NUCA (Sevilla, Spain)

We would like to show you some pictures about another Frucosol customer that thanks to our filling machine is being successfull in those difficult times we are living.

Fabrienvaf Nuca is a Spanish company that is present in the detergents business sector since more than 60 years ago. Currently, its main activity is based on selling cleaning and hygienic products and detergents, and our filling machine is helping them in this task.

Then, we would like to share with you a pair of pictures everybody can see in their website...

24 Jun 2011

A new Frucosol Customer

Recently, a new company has joined to the big Frucosol company, Berkem (France).

Since last week, Berkem is using our filling machine VF-6000, and it is a great pleasure for Frucosol to help this company in their dayly job.

To know a bit more about them, we can visit their website ( but a short resume of its acitvity could be their presentation: "Berkem continues a long tradition of high-quality products and key support for innovative project creation and customer satisfaction...(...) Berkem is a company on a human scale, attuned to its employees and customers.
Featuring integrated services from development to production, Berkem provides dedicated assistance and is always available for customers.
Our plant extraction expertise enables us to offer a broad range of extraction technologies that provide you with better solutions in less time"

We are sure this is the first business of many more we are going to do with them...

16 Dec 2010


The Frucosol people wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2011. Let's hope next year be a bit better than this 2010.

5 Oct 2010

Frucosol filling machine in Altinco S.L.

The Spanish company Altinco S.L. has sent us some pictures of our Filling machine VF-6000.

Even though this machine was designed for milk and juices, this company is using it to bottle ecological fertilizers, and it seems they are very happy with the machine.

It is clear then that our filling machine can be used in many different business, not only within the HORECA sector: oil, soap, detergent, and from now fertilizers are being bottle for our machine.

Do not hesitate it and let us know if you could be interested in one of these machines.

4 Aug 2010

New Channel of Frucosol in youtube

Recently, we have opened a new channel in the famous website YOUTUBE.

There you could see several videos about our products (automatic juicers, cutlery polishers, glass polishers, decarbonisers, potato peelers, ....) and our franchises (Ecolimpieza and Servizumo).

If you want we make any special video of any feature of our machines, just let me know it and we will prepare as our customers are the most important point for us.

Do not hesitate it and visit it:

8 Jul 2010

A filling machine just for milk??

When we started to manufacture our filling machine, we thought about milk, juices, and so on.

However, with the pass of time, we have noticed that our machine can be used to bottle any type of liquid, as two of our customers have bought one unit to bottle detergents and chemical products.

The last example we find is the Spanish company Diasa, as they have bought a filling machine to bottle the chemical products they make.

So, if you have some liquid to bottle, do not hesitate it and contact us.

7 Jun 2010

New blog about filling equipment

In this blog we would like to present you the new filling machine Frucosol has developed.

This machine is ideal for small producers of milk, juice, wine, or any other liquid that has to bottled. Thanks to this machine, you will be able to sell your own milk or juice and get extra benefits.

It is a semiautomatic filling machine, with a capacity of 1200-1500 litres per hour.

This is the ideal solution for your business!